Extended license
1. The Extended License grants you, the purchaser, a valid worldwide license to use your chosen digital work (Software Product: module or theme). Read the rest of this license for details of your use of the purchased product.
2. You have a license to use the Software Product to create one End Product for yourself and for one client (single web property). You have the right to sell the final product.
3. The End Product is the resource on which the Software Product is hosted.
(a) For a Software Product that is a template or a module, the End Product is the individual implementation of the Software Product.
For example: A software product is an opencart module, and a final product is a website that hosts this opencart module and is customized with your content.
(b) For other types of Software Product, the End Product is a work that includes an opencart theme template as well as supporting modules, so it is larger in scope and different in nature than a module.
Usage! What can be done with the Software Product
4. You can create one end product for a client and give that one end product to your client for any fee. This license is then transferred to your customer.
5. You may sell and make any number of copies of one End Product under the terms of the Agreement.
6. You can change the module. You can combine the module with other modules and only use it on the final product.
For example: you can purchase a theme, add your own photos, change the layout and customize on the client's web property in a single amount.
Forbidden! What Not to Do with the Software Product
7. You may only sell this Software Product by first entering into a Distribution Agreement with our company. The sale is carried out on the resource of the copyright holder (i.e., on our resource). Information about the sale is placed on your web resource with an active link for buying to the resource of the full copyright holder. It is forbidden to sell (receive money for the Software Product) on your resource.
8. You may not redistribute the Software Product as Your service or product, in a tool or template, or with source files. You cannot edit a module or combine it with other modules for distribution on the network, even if you have substantially changed the module. You may not redistribute or provide the Software Product as is or with superficial modifications. This is prohibited, even if the distribution is free.
9. You may not sell the Software Product (make money on your site) on any web resource that allows the end user to get acquainted with this product, found by inquiries related to the development of this Software Product. For example, requests like “buy a module from us”, “custom made” or “self-developed”. You can use the Software Product in the following way: post information about the opportunity to purchase this product with full information. But the sale itself takes place on the site of the full copyright holder (i.e., the "Buy" button is an active link to the copyright holder's resource). You receive your financial reward as a percentage (all conditions are specified in the Agreement) from the sale of the Software Product, information about which was posted on your web resource.
10. Although you may modify the Software Product and therefore remove unnecessary components before creating a single end product, you may not extract and use a single component of the Software Product on a stand-alone basis.
For example: you are using a website module containing standard texts. You can remove unnecessary texts from the module. But you can't extract any data for use outside of the module.
11. You must not allow the end user of the product to extract the Software Product and use it separately from the end product.
12. You may not use our data in your logo, trademark or service mark.
Other License Terms
13. For some Software Products, a component of the product may be obtained by the author from another source, and different license terms may apply to the component, such as someone else's license, an open source license, or a Creative Commons license. In this case, the component will be identified by the author on the description page of the Software Product or in its downloaded files. A different license will apply to this component. This license will apply to all other content.
For example: an opencart theme may contain images licensed under the Creative Commons CCBY license. The CCBY license will apply to those specific images. The standard license covers the rest of the theme.
14. You may use the Software Product only for lawful purposes. In addition, if the Software Product contains an image of a person, even if You yourself photographed him, You must have his written consent to place this photo in this Software Product and distribute it on the Internet. You cannot create a false identity or consent to the distribution of a photo of a person without their consent. You may not post information in the description of the Software Product in a manner that is defamatory, obscene or derogatory, or in connection with sensitive topics.
For more information on sensitive issues, see our Frequently Asked Questions.
15. This license may be terminated if you violate it. In such event, you must stop copying or distributing the End Product until you have removed all infringements.
16. The Author of the Item retains ownership of the Item, but grants you a license under these terms. This license is between you and the author of the Software Product (the full copyright owner).
To use the Extended License, you must have an Agreement that specifies all the terms of cooperation.